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Los Angeles Jewelry Center   |  Spreckles Building  |  Jasper Building  |  Hacienda Mart

Jasper Building
728 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014

This property is situated at the east side of Hill Street, just south of 7th Street in downtown Los Angeles, California. It is a fourteen-story building constructed in 1928 and was renovated in year 2001 to 2004 for conversion to a jewelry manufacturing building from 2nd floor to 14th floor. The ground floor is used for retail purposes – restaurant and jewelry related merchandise. A wastewater treatment system in the basement and a ventilation exhaust system were built to comply with the city requirement for a jewelry manufacturing.

The two (2) passenger elevators were modernized in year 2006. The building has its own surveillance cameras with digital recording and an alarm system.


M&M Holding LLC © 2008